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DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm
DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm

DC Comics: Brainiac (Injustice 2) Action Figure 18 cm

Originally from the planet most frequently named Colu, Brainiac's artificial mind and body have morphed several times over the decades, but his unquenchable thirst for absolute knowledge, regardless of the billions of innocent lives which might be destroyed in the process, has made him one of the deadliest villains the universe has ever seen. For Brainiac, the knowledge he acquires is only valuable if he and he alone possesses it, and no one else.
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Figurer, McFarlane Toys, DC Comics, Figurer 7" (skala 1/12)


DC Comics Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af McFarlane Toys

Produkt numre:

58475 MCF15397 787926153972

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