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Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm

Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones Retro Collection (Raiders of the Lost Ark) Action Figur 10 cm

Indiana Jones embarks on an adventure to find the Lost Ark of the Covenant, facing insurmountable odds and opposed by notorious villains! Kids and collectors alike can imagine the heart-stopping action and adventure of Indiana Jones with figures from the Indiana Jones Retro Collection! With exquisite features and decoration, this series unearths the quality and realism that Indiana Jones devotees love. The Retro Collection includes figures from the 40-plus-year legacy of the adventures of Indiana Jones. (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) This 3.75-inch-scale Retro Collection figure is detailed to look like the Indiana Jones character from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, featuring a quick-action arm and design and detailing inspired by the 1980s Kenner toys. If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones!
Pris Kr. 129,- før Kr. 185,-

Lager beholdning: 2 styk på lager - leveringstid 1-2 hverdage.

LEVERINGSTID: Hvis vi har din bestilling inden kl. 10:30 mandag den 24-02-2025 vil du modtag forsendelsen tirsdag den 25-02-2025!

TILBUD: Tilbudsprisen gælder så længe lager haves, det er ikke muligt at bestille flere end det antal vi har på lager.



  • Tilbudspris gælder så længe lager haves
  • Gratis fragt ved køb over 500,-
  • Dansk webshop - dansk lager
  • Dag til dag levering af lager vare
  • Dansk kundeservice via email og telefon
  • 14 dages returret.

Hasbro, Figurer, Indiana Jones, Figurer 4" (skala 1/20)


Indiana Jones Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af Hasbro

Produkt numre:

48629 HASF6076 5010996151773

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