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Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully
Avatar: Jake Sully

Avatar: Jake Sully's Banshee Mega Banshee Action Figure

Blue and green in appearance, he is the banshee that Jake bonds with during the Iknimaya rite of passage. He is also one of the few mountain banshees to have been ridden by an avatar.

Key Features:

- Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing
- Incredibly high level detail
- Can be posed to fly and crawl as seen in the film Avatar
- Works with 7-inch Na'vi figures as riders
- Features a poseable wired tail and special collector stand
- Figure is showcased in Avatar Movie window box packaging
- Collect all McFarlane Toys Avatar Movie products
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  • Gratis fragt ved køb over 500,-
  • Dansk webshop - dansk lager
  • Dag til dag levering af lager vare
  • Dansk kundeservice via email og telefon
  • 14 dages returret.

Figurer, McFarlane Toys, Avatar, Figurer 7" (skala 1/12)


Avatar Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af McFarlane Toys

Produkt numre:

47944 MCF16321 787926163216

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