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Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm
Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm
Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm
Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm
Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm

Fortnite: Lynx (Red) Action Figure 15 cm

Ready up! The Victory Royale Series takes Fortnite figures to the next level with highly poseable and detailed designs based on fan-favorite character outfits from the Fortnite video game. You never know who's gonna drop into your collection next, but always remember to thank your bus driver.

Lynx drops off the Battle Bus and glides into the Victory Royale Series! This 6-inch action figure shows the popular character outfit in her Stage 4 red style with game-level deco and details. Comes with Scratchmark Harvesting Tool and weapon accessories. Pose out the Lynx (Red) figure in an epic battle stance or bust a move in a dance emote with more than 20 points of articulation!
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  • 14 dages returret.

Figurer, Hasbro, Fortnite, Figurer 7" (skala 1/12)


Fortnite Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af Hasbro

Produkt numre:

46868 HASF5710 5010993978397

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