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Yu-Gi-Oh: Freezing Chains Structure Deck

Yu-Gi-Oh: Freezing Chains Structure Deck

Yu-Gi-Oh! Structure Deck: Freezing Chains

The colder the winter gets, the less the icy prison can hold back the growing storm, the return of Trishula is near. The ice barrier synchro monsters break their way through the ice in Structure Deck: Freezing Chains!

Originally the Ice Barrier strategy comes from the very first hidden arsenal and freezes opposing strategies and takes them down in one fell swoop with the help of the incredible synchro monsters! "Ice Barrier" monsters work as a team and together prevent your opponent's actions.

There are "ice barrier" monsters that weaken opposing monsters, prevent your opponent from summoning tributes, delay the activation of magic cards, prevent attacks and much more, but only if you control a second "ice barrier" monster. If that second monster also has a similar suppression effect, the duelist receives both effects!

The most famous "Ice Barrier" monster of all, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, returns in a new, even more destructive form in Structure Deck: Freezing Chains! This new Synchro Monster not only banishes up to three cards your opponent controls, but also summons the original Trishula when your opponent destroys it!

This new trishula can find a home in any strategy that Synchro Monsters can use. So don't miss the chance to add this powerful monster to your extra deck.

Structure Deck: Freezing Chains contains all synchro monsters of the "Ice Barrier" as part of the 5-card extra deck.

Each Structure Deck contains:

6 Ultra Rare Cards
3 super rare cards
37 Common Cards
1 double-sided deluxe play mat / duel instructions
Pris Kr. 62,- før Kr. 89,-

Lager beholdning: 3 styk på lager - leveringstid 1-2 hverdage.

LEVERINGSTID: Hvis vi har din bestilling inden kl. 10:30 mandag den 24-02-2025 vil du modtag forsendelsen tirsdag den 25-02-2025!

TILBUD: Tilbudsprisen gælder så længe lager haves, det er ikke muligt at bestille flere end det antal vi har på lager.



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  • 14 dages returret.

Konami, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh Kort


Yu-Gi-Oh Merchandise

Produkt numre:

41233 4012927845455

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