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GI Joe: Scarlett ReAction Action Figure 10 cm
GI Joe: Scarlett ReAction Action Figure 10 cm
GI Joe: Scarlett ReAction Action Figure 10 cm

GI Joe: Scarlett ReAction Action Figure 10 cm

Second only to maybe Snake-Eyes in hand-to-hand combat skills, Scarlett is one of G.I. Joe's most effective soldiers on the battlefield or behind enemy lines. This 3.75 articulated G.I. Joe ReAction figure of Scarlett is ready to take on the best Cobra has to offer and features crossbow and quiver accessories. It's assumed that her name is derived from the color of her hair, but it could just as easily be from the red-faced embarrassment her opponents have when she bests them time and time again. The cause of freedom needs many defenders, and the Scarlett ReAction figure of Scarlett is a prime example of one of the best!

- Scarlett is one of G.I. Joe's most effective soldiers on the battlefield or behind enemy lines!
- Features crossbow and quiver accessories
- 3.75 scale action figure with five points of articulation
- Collect the entire line of G.I. Joe ReAction figures by Super7!
Pris Kr. 150,- før Kr. 215,-

Lager beholdning: 6 styk på lager - leveringstid 1-2 hverdage.

LEVERINGSTID: Hvis vi har din bestilling inden kl. 10:30 mandag den 24-02-2025 vil du modtag forsendelsen tirsdag den 25-02-2025!

TILBUD: Tilbudsprisen gælder så længe lager haves, det er ikke muligt at bestille flere end det antal vi har på lager.



  • Tilbudspris gælder så længe lager haves
  • Gratis fragt ved køb over 500,-
  • Dansk webshop - dansk lager
  • Dag til dag levering af lager vare
  • Dansk kundeservice via email og telefon
  • 14 dages returret.

Figurer, Super7, GI Joe, Figurer 4" (skala 1/20)


GI Joe Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af Super7

Produkt numre:

40059 SUP7-RE-GIJOW1A-SCT-02 840049813649

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