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Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6
Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6

Star Wars: Grogu Action Figures 1/6

It is a foundling. By creed, it is in your care.

The highly acclaimed Star Wars live-action series The Mandalorian has introduced us to a widely beloved character, Grogu, the mysterious alien child pursued by bounty hunters on behalf of Imperial interests.

Celebrating Star Wars Day, Sideshow and Hot Toys is excited to present a special Grogu Sixth Scale Collectible Figure Set and unique creatures seen in The Mandalorian.

This 1:6th scale collectible set features the skillfully crafted Grogu in 3 different poses, two styles of prams, a loth-cat, and a one-eyed frog making them great complements to your Mandalorian display!

Take care of this little one in your Star Wars collection today!
Pris Kr. 1.319,- før Kr. 1.885,-

Lager beholdning: 1 styk på lager - leveringstid 1-2 hverdage.

LEVERINGSTID: Hvis vi har din bestilling inden kl. 10:30 mandag den 24-02-2025 vil du modtag forsendelsen tirsdag den 25-02-2025!

TILBUD: Tilbudsprisen gælder så længe lager haves, det er ikke muligt at bestille flere end det antal vi har på lager.



  • Tilbudspris gælder så længe lager haves
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  • 14 dages returret.

Figurer, Star Wars, Hot Toys, Figurer i skala 1/6, Grogu


Star Wars Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af Hot Toys

Produkt numre:

36719 HOT908288 4895228607850

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