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Ninja Turtles: Raphael Version 2 Ultimates Action Figure 18 cm
Ninja Turtles: Raphael Version 2 Ultimates Action Figure 18 cm
Ninja Turtles: Raphael Version 2 Ultimates Action Figure 18 cm

Ninja Turtles: Raphael Version 2 Ultimates Action Figure 18 cm

Cowabunga, dudes! Super7 is proud to announce the debut of the Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Each 7-inch articulated deluxe TMNT action figure is lavishly painted and features a massive cache of weapons and interchangeable accessories.

Raphael, the Witty Voice of the Turtles, emerges with:

- Fully Loaded Weapons Rack
- Communicator (open and closed)
- Alternate Head and Hands
- Pizza slice

Each figure will come with a PAINTED set of weapons accessories in addition to an UNPAINTED set of weapons still on their rack.

Relive the fun and excitement of the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures as they emerge from their Sewer Lair to fight the evil Foot Clan!
Pris Kr. 398,- før Kr. 569,-

Lager beholdning: 1 styk på lager - leveringstid 1-2 hverdage.

LEVERINGSTID: Hvis vi har din bestilling inden kl. 10:30 fredag den 21-02-2025 vil du modtag forsendelsen mandag den 24-02-2025!

TILBUD: Tilbudsprisen gælder så længe lager haves, det er ikke muligt at bestille flere end det antal vi har på lager.



  • Tilbudspris gælder så længe lager haves
  • Gratis fragt ved køb over 500,-
  • Dansk webshop - dansk lager
  • Dag til dag levering af lager vare
  • Dansk kundeservice via email og telefon
  • 14 dages returret.

Figurer, Super7, Ninja Turtles, Figurer 7" (skala 1/12)


Ninja Turtles Merchandise


Merchandise produceret af Super7

Produkt numre:

35236 SUP7-DE-TMNTW01-RAP-02 840049811607

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