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Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm
Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm

Dark Crystal: SkekTek The Scientist Skeksis Statue 1/6 30 cm

When ages of misuse of the great Crystal of Truth means the rapacious Skeksis can no longer draw its power to prolong their deplorable existence, SkekTek the Scientist is ordered to find a solution.
Though by far the most diligent and meticulous of his kind, SkekTek is no less cruel or unprincipled than his fellows. The culmination of his wicked experiments upon the now darkened Crystal propels him to an answer so diabolical that it will reshape the power structures of Thra forever; plunging the world into war.

In order to sustain their wretched lives and preserve their corrupt rule, the Skeksis must forcibly steal the living essence of their Gelfling subjects, gorging themselves drunkenly upon the distilled juices of their captives. Yet in devising this clever solution, the Scientist has also constructed a rod for his own back, for now he must keep the flow of essence constant or call down upon himself the wrath of the Emperor and his terrible punishments.

Dimensions: 25 x 30 x 30 cm

Limited to 400 pieces.
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Weta Collectibles, Figurer, Dark Crystal, Figurer i skala 1/6


Merchandise produceret af Weta Collectibles

Produkt numre:

24123 WETA620102997 9420024729977

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